Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Red Markets---Aberrants---Ever-Vec

artist for hire,
Digital Art,
Red Markets,
Walking dead,
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Red Markets---Aberrants---Empty
Empties are also called blanks, dreamers, pacifists, and downers. They are an unfortunately common sight.
The same mental remnants that cause casualties to gather in locations that they frequently in life goes haywire in an Empty. They do not bite, hunt or attack. They simply repeat an action over and over, stuck in an endless loop, mirroring an action they performed in life. Sitting in a living room, watching a blank television screen, scrolling on a long dead phone, with baseball glove in hand, waiting for a pitch that will never come. Somehow, these casualties are more haunting than the ones ripping your teammates apart. They are a reminder of the humanity lost and how the creatures you are gunning down may have been your neighbor or family days before.
artist for hire,
Digital Art,
Red Markets,
Walking dead,
Friday, March 9, 2018
Red Markets---Aberrants---Scarecrow

For this one I went for some Struzan inspired, designerly clouds that in the end, Im not entirely sure they worked. I also set the Scarecrow in a patch of earth I spent far to much time rooted to. It seemed far creepier to be set within a heavily developed area instead of a remote rural spot.
artist for hire,
Digital Art,
Red Markets,
Walking dead,
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Red Markets---Aberrants---Aerosol
The next Aberrant that I painted in Red Markets is the Aerosol.
In the case of this Aberrant, its a casualty, desiccated and long gone. It barely registers as a threat. Then one of your crew sneezes. Then they all begin to cough. Choke. Blood from the eyes and ears. All begin to turn without having come into physical contact with the infected. For some reason, the rare casualty turns the Blight airborne, infecting all who come close.
If you are interested in purchasing Red Markets, you can do so here.
In the case of this Aberrant, its a casualty, desiccated and long gone. It barely registers as a threat. Then one of your crew sneezes. Then they all begin to cough. Choke. Blood from the eyes and ears. All begin to turn without having come into physical contact with the infected. For some reason, the rare casualty turns the Blight airborne, infecting all who come close.
I spent the majority of this illustration looking up decent mechanic shop/garage reference photos to make sure that the environment looked accurate without drawing too much attention away from the barely put together zombie. With each scene that I created, if there were just a few or single zombie in focus, I put together a backstory in my mind to make sure their injuries and clothing in the situation made sense.
If you are interested in purchasing Red Markets, you can do so here.
artist for hire,
Digital Art,
Red Markets,
Walking dead,
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Red Markets---Aberrants---Converts
The convert was my first illustration for the Red Markets RPG. The convert is a zombie (or casualty in the parlance of the game) who keeps its consciousness, but gives itself entirely over to the hunger. It can also control huge armies of other casualties and, no one knows why, is always a child.
From the book:
I watched in shock as the enclave fell. I listened to their screams echo thoughout the valley. Near the end, the horde seemed to lose its focus....
Just as night fell, I watched one wander away. It was a little boy, in pajamas soaked with fresh blood, walking in a straight line though it pursued no prey.. On its head rested a SWAT helmet, dented with bullet impacts. Eventually, it turned. It looked at me. It saw me. The rolling cataracts of its eyes locked on mine. I was recognized, found unworthy, and abandoned as it moved on.....
artist for hire,
Digital Art,
Red Markets,
Walking dead,
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Role Playing Illustration---Base Raiders and Red Markets
So for long time readers of this blog (Hi mom!) you will recall that back in late 2015 I was working on a feature film called "The Weight". The wheels of progress on films when not funded with Marvel money is usually pretty slow, so two years out and The Weight is in the festival circuit, not quite ready for wide release. Which is too bad, because it means Ive not got to watch it yet. It should be amazing, as everyone I was fortunate to work with on the film was amazing. The lead actor, Clayne Crawford, is currently tearing it up as Martin Riggs on the Lethal Weapon tv series, which is one of few shows Rachel and I try to keep up with. He was an incredible guy and deserves all of the great press the show is getting currently.
Anywho, as head of the Art Department, I had two guys who had to put up with my demands and thereby made my life a ton easier. Ross Payton was one. He is a big timer in the world of role playing games, running Ennie award winning podcast, Role Playing Public Radio.
Now, I had very little knowledge of role playing games outside of the osmosis a nerd has while interacting in our varied world of nerdality. I know I sat and watched a couple slow hours of a Vampire: The Masquerade game where a pack of werewolves were shaken off the sides of a van (I think). Ive filled out about three character sheets for D&D games that never progressed beyond the character sheet stage. And I wanted to create art for the games....which is good, because that's generally kind of an entry level illustrator gig these days and despite working as various forms of 'artist' for 15 years I am definitely still an entry level illustrator.
So between shots and during the long drive too and from set, Ross filled me in a little about what he did and I mentioned wanting to do some art. He was kind and commissioned me draw the cover to his newest expansion to a RPG he created, Base Raiders. Its rough, but I like it.
In retrospect I would have dropped the background character a little darker so she didnt fight for as much attention as the foreground characters. It was meant to impart a feeling overwhelming action, and its busy enough that it definitely does that.
Ross ended up having me on Role Playing Public Radio as a guest to speak about the film industry, gaming and gaming ideas within the bureaucracy of the entertainment industry. But, the bigger thing that I have to thank him for is introducing me to a friend of his who was putting together a group of artists. Caleb Stokes had invested something along the lines of four or five years of his life into an incredibly detailed and intriguing role playing game entitled Red Markets. To borrow from the Red Markets incredibly successful Kickstarter page:
In Red Markets, characters risk their lives trading between the massive quarantine zones containing a zombie outbreak and the remains of civilization. They are Takers: mercenary entrepreneurs unwilling to accept their abandonment. Bound together into competing crews, each seeks to profit from mankind’s near-extinction before it claims them. They must hustle, scheme, and scam as hard as they fight if they hope to survive the competing factions and undead hordes the GM throws at them.
Takers that are quick, clever, or brutal enough might live to see retirement in a safe zone, but many discover too late that the cycle of poverty proves harder to escape than the hordes of undead.
Red Markets uses the traditional zombie genre to tell a story about surviving on the wrong end of the economy. It’s cut-throat capitalism with its knife on your neck.
I ended up creating more than a dozen pieces of art for the massive tome that arrived a month or so ago. It doubles as gym equipment while doing bicep curls. Its huge. The amount of work that went into this game is humbling. And the detail...I cannot even fanthom the thought that was put into all of this. But it seems like it was worth every period and bullet point, because it seems to be going over
incredibly well among the role playing set. Ive seen post after post of people taking photos of their setups and reporting that the Blight has hit different parts of the world. Its humbling to be a part of something someone enjoys so much. It feels different than most of my film work. I dont know. Somehow more personal. More of my fingerprint showing even if the concept isnt mine.
Over the next few weeks Ill be posting up my contributions to the game. Please, enjoy, comment and contact me if you are looking for an illustrator. 😀😀😀
If you are into role playing, I highly recommend you purchase a copy of the book and immerse yourself.
Anywho, as head of the Art Department, I had two guys who had to put up with my demands and thereby made my life a ton easier. Ross Payton was one. He is a big timer in the world of role playing games, running Ennie award winning podcast, Role Playing Public Radio.
Now, I had very little knowledge of role playing games outside of the osmosis a nerd has while interacting in our varied world of nerdality. I know I sat and watched a couple slow hours of a Vampire: The Masquerade game where a pack of werewolves were shaken off the sides of a van (I think). Ive filled out about three character sheets for D&D games that never progressed beyond the character sheet stage. And I wanted to create art for the games....which is good, because that's generally kind of an entry level illustrator gig these days and despite working as various forms of 'artist' for 15 years I am definitely still an entry level illustrator.

In retrospect I would have dropped the background character a little darker so she didnt fight for as much attention as the foreground characters. It was meant to impart a feeling overwhelming action, and its busy enough that it definitely does that.
Ross ended up having me on Role Playing Public Radio as a guest to speak about the film industry, gaming and gaming ideas within the bureaucracy of the entertainment industry. But, the bigger thing that I have to thank him for is introducing me to a friend of his who was putting together a group of artists. Caleb Stokes had invested something along the lines of four or five years of his life into an incredibly detailed and intriguing role playing game entitled Red Markets. To borrow from the Red Markets incredibly successful Kickstarter page:
Red Markets is a tabletop RPG about economic horror.
In Red Markets, characters risk their lives trading between the massive quarantine zones containing a zombie outbreak and the remains of civilization. They are Takers: mercenary entrepreneurs unwilling to accept their abandonment. Bound together into competing crews, each seeks to profit from mankind’s near-extinction before it claims them. They must hustle, scheme, and scam as hard as they fight if they hope to survive the competing factions and undead hordes the GM throws at them.
Takers that are quick, clever, or brutal enough might live to see retirement in a safe zone, but many discover too late that the cycle of poverty proves harder to escape than the hordes of undead.
Red Markets uses the traditional zombie genre to tell a story about surviving on the wrong end of the economy. It’s cut-throat capitalism with its knife on your neck.

Over the next few weeks Ill be posting up my contributions to the game. Please, enjoy, comment and contact me if you are looking for an illustrator. 😀😀😀
If you are into role playing, I highly recommend you purchase a copy of the book and immerse yourself.
base raiders,
comic book,
Digital Art,
Red Markets,
Role Playing,
Super hero,
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Zombies and Heroes
I know, I know. Long time. Gimme a break. We had a baby, the beautiful and jolly Cordelia. On top of that, with the exception of three or four days, my vfx studio has had non stop projects to keep me up late knocking out shots. Most days I get up with the girls at 8a, watch them and have family time until that evening when I start to work and keep going until 3a. Lather, rinse, repeat. I love my time with them and dont want it to go quickly, but there is a part of me looking forward to them both being in school so I have weekdays and normal hours within which to get work done so I can start getting regular sleep.
Enough complaining.
July 16th, the great George Romero passed away. It possible you only think of him as a director of some cheesy zombie movies. If thats the case then you must have found this blog through a very indirect google search. I mean, its probably true to an extent. But in this world of Walking Dead, Marvel and DC zombie variants of every character, it seems like zombies are everywhere.
But he was the Dude. The man. The guy who made zombies zombies. Before that they were the voodoo breed only. No rotting corpses walking around. But they werent really rotting corpses. They were a metaphor and horrific. Your nearest loved one could suddenly be tearing your intestines out and using them to floss their teeth. There was no safe place, no one you could trust. If there were people, there was the chance of being cannibalized, ripped apart while you screamed and gurgled.
We didnt watch a ton of scary movies when I was a kid. My Dad would have nightmares and he was a scrapper. He wouldnt run from the scary things in his dreams, he would punch and kick. So for Moms sake we didnt see many scary movies. We didnt have cable or any of that, so we would either get watered down versions of scary movies or rentals from the local VHS palace. So Critters would have the best parts cut out, aired on Sunday afternoons or we would get the borderline creepy, like Gremlins and the like. The first scary thing I can remember watching was when I was 10, on a tv show called Monsters. Kind of a variation on Tales from the Crypt. Weekly creature feature. One week they had soldiers in a fox hole, the dead enemy combatants pulling them into the walls and ripping them apart. Plus, this all time creepiest Goosebumps book.
Zombies were stuck in my mind.
So long story not as long, horror is now my favorite genre. Its usually the most inventive, has the most poignant social commentary, and will haunt your dreams. But zombies, those are my favorite. My first zombie film was the remake of Night of the Living Dead, which like the remake of Dawn of the Dead, I ended up preferring over the originals. But that said, I loved George Romero.
He shot his first films on next to zero budget, borrowing from friends and local businesses, ignoring Hollywood standards. Night focused on the question of "who is the true enemy? and race." Surrounded by friends and family now focused on your death, the bigger threat may be the person fighting next to you. This was all fallout from the Vietnam war. Dawn of the Dead focused on consumerism, capitalism and materialism set inside of a mall. I dare you to watch the shopping spree scene and not be reminded of Black Friday sales at your local box store. Day of the Dead may be he most poignant of the trilogy, rife with the political undertones of the Reagan era, the monsters become far less threatening than the military, all huddled away in caverns full of all of the hoarded items of yesterdays opulence, put there by people long since eaten.
IE, these werent just movies of blood, boobs and jump scares...look to Return of the Living Dead for that in all of its delightful glory.
Romero made smart movies in easy to digest wrappers. He shunned the Hollywood system, preferring to make as much of his films in his home of Pittsburg (until they tried to hose him and he went to Canada). So a young horror nerd who had high asperations of becoming a filmmaker, Romero was the man. The first film that I wrote and shot was a horror film, set in an old farmhouse, full of rotting ghosts and Romero references. I've got his autograph on my studio wall.
So when he died I mourned a bit. The local Alamo Drafthouse played Night of the Living Dead and I went dressed as Romero. And it got me thinking.
Why would I be so sad over the loss of someone I never met? Dont get me wrong, I tried. I drove to St Louis with friends over a decade ago to hit a Living Dead convention. We met the amazing Tom Savini, several actors from the films and incidentally, the incredible gem Tura Santana, who I also mourned at her passing. Romero was advertised as being the star of the show, but he was nowhere to be found. When I asked the information desk if we'd just overlooked him somehow I was told "oh, he wouldnt be here. He is filming in Canada."
I think it comes down to our modern day heroes.
Mainly, we dont have them. At least not like we used to. Or maybe its just me. There was no one I knew growing up that made me say " I want to be just like them!" No war heroes, no local leaders in sports, religion or life to idolize. My dad and grandpa were as close as it got, and they both made it a point to tell me to do better than they did, very aware of their flaws and shortcomings.
In college I started to look towards my interests for heroes and the list filled with directors. Spielberg, Kevin Smith, Rodriguez, Raimi and Romero. Schultz, Davis, Frazetta and Drew Struzan were the art list. I suppose we create our own pantheon based on who we are and what we need at the time. I need(ed) creatives who came from nothing and made a name for themselves. Not for fame, but for the need to create. The older I get the more mortal they seem to become, but still we mourn when one of our heroes die and can no longer bless us with new work. A little less magic in the world. A few more Kardashians and Trumps.

Romero got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame a few weeks ago. An honor that is well past due even if its a little dubious in the nature of that honor. But regardless, Long Live the Zombie King.
Enough complaining.

But he was the Dude. The man. The guy who made zombies zombies. Before that they were the voodoo breed only. No rotting corpses walking around. But they werent really rotting corpses. They were a metaphor and horrific. Your nearest loved one could suddenly be tearing your intestines out and using them to floss their teeth. There was no safe place, no one you could trust. If there were people, there was the chance of being cannibalized, ripped apart while you screamed and gurgled.
We didnt watch a ton of scary movies when I was a kid. My Dad would have nightmares and he was a scrapper. He wouldnt run from the scary things in his dreams, he would punch and kick. So for Moms sake we didnt see many scary movies. We didnt have cable or any of that, so we would either get watered down versions of scary movies or rentals from the local VHS palace. So Critters would have the best parts cut out, aired on Sunday afternoons or we would get the borderline creepy, like Gremlins and the like. The first scary thing I can remember watching was when I was 10, on a tv show called Monsters. Kind of a variation on Tales from the Crypt. Weekly creature feature. One week they had soldiers in a fox hole, the dead enemy combatants pulling them into the walls and ripping them apart. Plus, this all time creepiest Goosebumps book.
Zombies were stuck in my mind.
So long story not as long, horror is now my favorite genre. Its usually the most inventive, has the most poignant social commentary, and will haunt your dreams. But zombies, those are my favorite. My first zombie film was the remake of Night of the Living Dead, which like the remake of Dawn of the Dead, I ended up preferring over the originals. But that said, I loved George Romero.
He shot his first films on next to zero budget, borrowing from friends and local businesses, ignoring Hollywood standards. Night focused on the question of "who is the true enemy? and race." Surrounded by friends and family now focused on your death, the bigger threat may be the person fighting next to you. This was all fallout from the Vietnam war. Dawn of the Dead focused on consumerism, capitalism and materialism set inside of a mall. I dare you to watch the shopping spree scene and not be reminded of Black Friday sales at your local box store. Day of the Dead may be he most poignant of the trilogy, rife with the political undertones of the Reagan era, the monsters become far less threatening than the military, all huddled away in caverns full of all of the hoarded items of yesterdays opulence, put there by people long since eaten.
IE, these werent just movies of blood, boobs and jump scares...look to Return of the Living Dead for that in all of its delightful glory.
Romero made smart movies in easy to digest wrappers. He shunned the Hollywood system, preferring to make as much of his films in his home of Pittsburg (until they tried to hose him and he went to Canada). So a young horror nerd who had high asperations of becoming a filmmaker, Romero was the man. The first film that I wrote and shot was a horror film, set in an old farmhouse, full of rotting ghosts and Romero references. I've got his autograph on my studio wall.
So when he died I mourned a bit. The local Alamo Drafthouse played Night of the Living Dead and I went dressed as Romero. And it got me thinking.
Why would I be so sad over the loss of someone I never met? Dont get me wrong, I tried. I drove to St Louis with friends over a decade ago to hit a Living Dead convention. We met the amazing Tom Savini, several actors from the films and incidentally, the incredible gem Tura Santana, who I also mourned at her passing. Romero was advertised as being the star of the show, but he was nowhere to be found. When I asked the information desk if we'd just overlooked him somehow I was told "oh, he wouldnt be here. He is filming in Canada."
I think it comes down to our modern day heroes.
Mainly, we dont have them. At least not like we used to. Or maybe its just me. There was no one I knew growing up that made me say " I want to be just like them!" No war heroes, no local leaders in sports, religion or life to idolize. My dad and grandpa were as close as it got, and they both made it a point to tell me to do better than they did, very aware of their flaws and shortcomings.
In college I started to look towards my interests for heroes and the list filled with directors. Spielberg, Kevin Smith, Rodriguez, Raimi and Romero. Schultz, Davis, Frazetta and Drew Struzan were the art list. I suppose we create our own pantheon based on who we are and what we need at the time. I need(ed) creatives who came from nothing and made a name for themselves. Not for fame, but for the need to create. The older I get the more mortal they seem to become, but still we mourn when one of our heroes die and can no longer bless us with new work. A little less magic in the world. A few more Kardashians and Trumps.

Romero got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame a few weeks ago. An honor that is well past due even if its a little dubious in the nature of that honor. But regardless, Long Live the Zombie King.
edgar wright,
Knights End,
living dead,
night of the living dead,
shaun of the dead,
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